Setting Up and Configuring FakeNet in REMnux

Issue: FakeNet Fails to Run Due to Port Conflict

  1. Error Encountered:

    • Upon running FakeNet, an error with code 98 might occur, indicating that the address (Port 53, DNS port) is already in use.

  2. Root Cause:

    • The error is due to the systemd-resolved service holding Port 53, which FakeNet also needs to use.

Steps to Resolve Port Conflict and Configure FakeNet

  1. Verify Network Route:

    • Ensure a valid network route is established:

      • Ping an Internet Address to verify connectivity.

      • If there are no responses, check and configure your VM network settings. The default setting is usually NAT mode.

      • Check the system's IP address using the ip command:

        bashCopy codeip addr show
      • If necessary, request a valid IP address by renewing DHCP:

        bashCopy codesudo renew-dhcp
  2. Disable systemd-resolved Service:

    • To free up Port 53 for FakeNet, disable the systemd-resolved service:

      bashCopy codesudo systemctl stop systemd-resolved
      sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved
  3. Edit Network Manager Configuration:

    • Modify the Network Manager's configuration file:

      • Open the file for editing:

        bashCopy codesudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
      • Add the following line under the [main] section:

        bashCopy codedns=default
      • Save the changes (Ctrl + X, then Y, and press Enter).

  4. Recreate the resolv.conf File:

    • Delete the existing resolv.conf file:

      bashCopy codesudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
    • Recreate resolv.conf as a symbolic link to the file generated by systemd-resolve:

      bashCopy codesudo ln -s /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
  5. Restart Network Manager Service:

    • Reboot the system or restart the Network Manager service to apply the changes:

      bashCopy codesudo systemctl restart NetworkManager
    • Verify Internet Connection: Ping an address to ensure connectivity wasn't disrupted.

  6. Run FakeNet:

    • After resolving the port conflict and network issues, you can now run FakeNet:

      bashCopy codesudo fakenet
    • Test FakeNet:

      • Visit any website to check if it returns FakeNet's default page.

Handling the Multi-Host Network Mode Issue

  1. Default Behavior:

    • In Linux, FakeNet defaults to multi-host mode, which may cause it to only log requests without responding with fake data.

  2. Solution: Change to Single Host Mode:

    • To change the network mode to single host:

      • Open the configuration file (default.ini):

        bashCopy codesudo nano /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/fakenet/configs/default.ini
      • Locate the network_mode field and set it to single_host:

        bashCopy codenetwork_mode = single_host
      • Save and close the file.

  3. Rerun FakeNet:

    • Run FakeNet again and test by visiting a website to see if it now properly returns FakeNet's default page.

  4. Exiting FakeNet:

    • To exit FakeNet, press Ctrl + C.

Last updated