Analyzing calc.exe and Network Activity

1. Analysis of calc.exe Process

  • Initial Observations:

    • The process creation for calc.exe involves several preliminary operations, such as initiating the program and loading libraries.

    • Focus on searching for specific file names related to the sample, such as badfile.exe, to trace its creation and usage.

  • TCP Connections:

    • Look for TCP connections before the badfile.exe creation. This indicates data was received, which was then stored in badfile.exe.

2. Network Traffic Analysis with Wireshark

  • Setup:

    • Use the loopback interface with FakeNet instead of the Ethernet interface.

  • Capturing Traffic:

    • Run the sample and capture network traffic with Wireshark.

  • Analyzing Traffic:

    • Filter HTTP Traffic:

      • Go to Statistics > Protocol Hierarchy and focus on HTTP traffic.

      • Apply filter to show only HTTP packets.

    • Inspect Requests:

      • Follow the HTTP stream to view GET requests and identify URLs from which data was downloaded.

      • Example: Find GET requests for files like evil.exe from specific domains (e.g.,

3. Using AutoRuns for Persistence Detection

  • Setup:

    • Open re_test_dlx.doc and enable content if needed.

  • AutoRuns Analysis:

    • Check Persistence:

      • Look for entries such as a registry run key pointing to badfile.exe.

      • This indicates that the malware has set up persistence, ensuring it runs at login.

    • Identify Trigger Points:

      • AutoRuns lists potential persistence mechanisms that malware might use, which helps in identifying how the malware maintains its presence.


  • calc.exe Process: Focus on tracking the creation and operations of related files, like badfile.exe, and monitor network activities that reveal data sources.

  • Wireshark: Use it to detect and analyze network traffic, identifying any URLs or network addresses involved in data downloads.

  • AutoRuns: Check for persistence mechanisms to determine how malware ensures it runs on system startup.

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