Analyzing JavaScript in HTML

1. Analyzing re_texrjs.html:

  • Initial Inspection with Notepad++:

    • Aid to be Function:

      • This is a base64 decoding function.

      • Decodes data passed to document.write() function.

      • document.write() expects HTML, indicating the decoded data is another HTML code.

  • Using CyberChef for Decoding:

    • Step 1: Copy the base64 data from the HTML file.

    • Step 2: Use CyberChef to decode the base64 string.

    • Decoded Output: Reveals another stage of JavaScript within <script> tags.

2. Analyzing the Decoded JavaScript:

  • Inspecting with Notepad++:

    • The JavaScript begins with an eval() function.

    • Key Functions to Look For:

      • document.write(): Dynamically writes string arguments into the HTML workspace; expected to be HTML format.

      • eval(): Executes the passed string as JavaScript code; often used by threat actors for executing obfuscated code.

  • Modifying the Code:

    • Replace the eval() function by storing its argument in a new variable, two_eval.

    • Modify the script to include HTML tags for debugging.

    • Save the modified file as decoded.html.

3. Debugging with Google Chrome:

  • Loading the Modified HTML File:

    • Drag and drop decoded.html into Chrome.

    • Expectation: The code executes, resulting in a string stored in two_eval.

  • Using Developer Tools:

    • Press F12 to open Developer Tools.

    • Navigate to the Sources tab and locate the decoded.html file.

    • Inspect Variable Contents:

      • Enter the two_eval variable name in the Console tab to view its content, revealing more JavaScript code.

  • Behavior Analysis:

    • The final stage displays a message and redirects to a potentially malicious domain,

4. Debugging JavaScript with Visual Studio Code (VS Code):

  • Installation Issues:

    • If issues arise with VS Code on Flare VM, reinstall it using the Chocolatey package manager.

    • Disable Internet: Avoid conflicts with loopback addresses during debugging.

  • Setting Up Debugging in VS Code:

    • Open the HTML sample in VS Code.

    • Add a new line before the JavaScript code to enable breakpoint setting.

    • Set a breakpoint by pressing F9 or clicking next to the line number.

    • Click the Debug icon and select Run and Debug using Chrome.

  • Debugging Process:

    • Breakpoint Hit: VS Code opens Chrome and stops at the breakpoint.

    • Using Step Functions:

      • F11 (Step Into): For functions like document.write() or eval().

      • Shift + F11 (Step Out): To exit loops or functions.

    • Final Stage Analysis: Continuously pressing F11 shows the obfuscated text, followed by the final JavaScript stage.

5. Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Functions:

    • Familiarize with functions like document.write() and eval() for effective JavaScript analysis.

  • Obfuscation Awareness:

    • Be cautious of obfuscated JavaScript code, often used by threat actors to hide malicious activity.

  • Tool Utilization:

    • Use CyberChef for decoding and Notepad++ or VS Code for detailed inspection and debugging.

  • Practical Debugging:

    • Visual Studio Code offers advanced debugging features, allowing you to control the execution flow and analyze each stage of JavaScript code in detail.

Last updated