Assembly Language Basics


  • Assembly Language: Low-level language close to machine code.

  • Focus: Understanding how assembly language works, specifically x86 assembly, rather than mastering a specific type.

Memory Architecture

  • Little-Endian: Values are written with the least significant byte first.

    • Example: 32-bit double word 0x1BA583D4 is written in memory as D4, 83, A5, 1B.

Instruction Format

  • Operands: x86 instructions can have 0-3 operands. Typically follows the format mnemonic destination, source.

    • Mnemonic: Reserved name used for operations (e.g., MOV for copying values).

    • Opcode: The actual operation code interpreted by hardware.

    • Example: MOV EAX, 0xCODE5AFE - MOV is the mnemonic, EAX is the destination, and 0xCODE5AFE is the source operand.


  • Data Registers: Used for arithmetic, logical, and other operations.

    • 32-bit Registers: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX

      • 16-bit Versions: AX, BX, CX, DX

        • 8-bit Versions: AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, DL

    • Primary Accumulator: EAX (used in I/O and arithmetic operations).

    • Base Register: EBX

    • Count Register: ECX (used for loop counts).

    • Data Register: EDX (also used for I/O operations).

  • Pointer Registers:

    • 32-bit: EIP, ESP, EBP

      • 16-bit: IP, SP, BP

    • EIP: Instruction pointer (offset address of the next instruction).

    • ESP: Stack pointer (points to the top of the stack).

    • EBP: Base pointer (references parameter variables in the stack).

  • Index Registers:

    • ESI: Source index (used for string operations).

    • EDI: Destination index (used for string operations).

  • Control Registers (Flags):

    • ZF (Zero Flag): Set to 1 if the result of an operation is zero; 0 otherwise.


  • Code Segment (CS): Contains executable code.

  • Data Segment (DS): Contains data.

  • Stack Segment (SS): Contains stack data.

  • Extra Segments (ES, FS, GS): For additional data storage.

64-bit vs. 32-bit Registers

  • 64-bit Registers: Use R prefix (e.g., RAX, RBX, RCX, RDX).

    • New Registers: R8 to R15.

    • Stack Size: Larger.

    • Flags: RFLAGS register.


  • Purpose: Used for temporary data storage, passing arguments to functions, and saving register values.

  • Instructions:

    • PUSH: Stores a value on the stack.

    • POP: Removes a value from the stack.

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